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Show Notes for Tuesday, 2/27/2024


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Invite your friends, family, and fellow parishioners to switch to Catholic radio for Lent! Download a poster to hang in your parish or a sheet of cards that you can give out to anyone who may be interested.

Good morning! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell welcome Fr. Boniface Hicks to look at what St. Irenaeus said about the nature of prayer. Other guests include Steve Ray on martyrdoms in the Bible, and Kris McGregor from Discerning Hearts with more words of wisdom from the Office of Readings. Plus news, weather, sports and a whole lot more…


A Prayer to St. Joseph for Providence

Joseph, with Jesus and Mary, you knew hunger, uncertainty, and illness.
You turned your heart to God to lift up your needs and those of your family.
In faith you accepted the Father’s response as events unfolded.
Be with me today as I offer my requests to the Father.
Joseph, let me recognize God’s will as I open my hands to accept what God bestows in loving kindness.
With tenderness, God fills creation with life and love.
Open my eyes to the wonders that God works without ceasing.
Let me learn the true intention behind my request so that I may discover
within myself the lowly one that God commends. Amen.


Dr. Jeffrey Morrow is online at ascensionpress.com/oldtestament.

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