On Air Now
Called to Communion
Called to Communion
11:00pm - Midnight

On Air Now

Called to Communion
Called to Communion
11:00pm - Midnight

Show Notes for Thursday, 1/18/2024


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Good morning! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell discuss the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which starts today. Guests include Kevin Prendergast with thoughts on managing alcohol use, Rita Heikenfeld with indoor recipes to make with kids during snowy weather, and Fr. Frank Donio from the Catholic Apostolate Center on how to better enter in to Ordinary Time in the weeks between Christmas and Lent. Plus news, weather, sports and more…


Prayer for Christian Unity

We pray, O gracious Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that we all may be one as you are one. In your community of complete unity, we have our beginning and our end. To you we pray, asking for the gift of visible unity among all who believe in you.

As we commemorate this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we are reminded by your Word that all human beings are our neighbors and that we are to love them like ourselves and in the same way we love you. Help us to overcome the barriers and divisions we have nurtured against your will.

Grant to us, O Lord, a new Spirit of love and solidarity, that we may proclaim your good news to all of creation. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit are one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer from geii.org.


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