Happy feast of St. Edmund Campion! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell discuss the life and witness of this great English Jesuit martyr. Guests include Gary Zimak on an Advent spiritual plan, TL Putnam on what it means to talk about Jesus as the “branch” of Jesse, and John Kraemer from the Lego Church Project with ideas for Advent builds. Plus news, weather, sports and a whole lot more…
Richard Ghazel is online at indefenseofchristians.org.
Amy Welborn is online at amywelborn.com.
Gary Zimak is online at followingthetruth.com.
Brandon McGinley, author of It is Right and Just
Fr. Philip-Michael Tangorra, author of Holiness and Living the Sacramental Life
John Kraemer, founder of the Lego Church Project
Danielle Bean is online at catholicmom.com.
TL Putnam is online at Verbum.com/sonrise.
Laura Strietmann is online at cincinnatirighttolife.org.
Fr. Frank Donio is online at catholicapostolatecenter.org.
Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio is online at dritaly.com.
Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe is online at Aleteia.com.
St. Edmund Campion Prayer
throughout the ages you inspire heroic men and women
to preach your gospel
and proclaim the truth of your love.
We pray that the example of St Edmund Campion
may encourage us to stand up for what it right;
to hold to what is true;
and to love even those who persecute us,
for Christ’s sake. Amen.