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Called to Communion
11:00pm - Midnight

On Air Now

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Called to Communion
Called to Communion
11:00pm - Midnight

Show Notes for Wednesday, 11/18/2020


Good morning! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell welcome Dr. Matthew Bunson from EWTN News with more coverage of the USCCB Fall meeting. Other guests include Dr. John Bergsma to describe the role of Ancient Egypt in the Biblical narrative, Gary Zimak on self-control as a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and Steven Howard from In Defense of Christians to discuss their webinar on how to support religious liberty around the world in 2021. Plus news, weather, sports and a whole lot more…

Dr. Matthew Bunson is online at ewtnnews.com.

Dr. John Bergsma is online at franciscan.edu.

Gary Zimak is online at followingthetruth.com.

Steven Howard is online at indefenseofchristians.org.

Steve Ray is online at catholicconvert.com.

Kevin Prendergast is online at athenaeum.edu.

Karlo Broussard is online at catholic.com.

Brian Black is online at harmelacademy.org.

Fr. Frank Donio is online at catholicapostolatecenter.org.

Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio is online at dritaly.com.


St. Francis of Assisi’s Prayer for Enlightenment

Almighty, eternal, just, and merciful God, grant us in our misery [the grace] to do for You alone what we know You want us to do, and always to desire what pleases You.

Thus, inwardly cleansed, interiorly enlightened, and inflamed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, may we be able to follow in the footprints of Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

And, by Your grace alone, may we make our way to You, Most High, Who live and rule in perfect Trinity and simple Unity, and are glorified God all-powerful forever and ever. Amen.