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Called to Communion
Called to Communion
2:00pm - 3:00pm
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3:00pm - 4:00pm

On Air Now

Called to Communion
Called to Communion
2:00pm - 3:00pm

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Open Line
3:00pm - 4:00pm

Show Notes for Tuesday, 9/24/2024


Happy feast of Our Lady of Walsingham! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell talk about her patronage of England. Guests include Steve Ray on dinners and meals in the Bible, and Kris McGregor to share reflections on the Office of Readings. Plus all the latest news, weather, sports, and a whole lot more…


Prayer to Our Lady of Walsingham

O Mary, recall the solemn moment when Jesus, your divine son, dying on the cross, confided us to your maternal care. You are our mother, we desire ever to remain your devout children. let us therefore feel the effects of your powerful intercession with Jesus Christ. make your name again glorious in the shrine once renowned throughout England by your visits, favours, and many miracles.

Pray, O holy mother of God, for the conversion of England, restoration of the sick, consolation for the afflicted, repentance of sinners, peace to the departed.

O blessed Mary, mother of God, our Lady of Walsingham, intercede for us.


Bishop Michael Burbidge is online at arlingtondiocese.org.

Jim Hanna, author of The Remarkable Life of Bishop Bonaventure Broderick

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