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Called to Communion
2:00pm - 3:00pm
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3:00pm - 4:00pm

On Air Now

Called to Communion
Called to Communion
2:00pm - 3:00pm

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Open Line
3:00pm - 4:00pm

Show Notes for Tuesday, 9/15/2020


A blessed Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows to you all! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell welcome art historian Liz Lev to talk about devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary under this title. Guests include Fr. Boniface Hicks on the value of intercessory prayer, Marlon de la Torre on why God wanted us to see him in the person of Jesus, and Mike Aquilina to discuss his new book, “History’s Queen: Exploring Mary’s Role from Age to Age.” Plus news, weather, sports and more…

Fr. Boniface Hicks, author of Personal Prayer: A Guide to Receiving the Father’s Love

Marlon de la Torre is online at knowingisdoing.org.

Liz Lev, author of How Catholic Art Saved the Faith

Mike Aquilina, author of History’s Queen: Exploring Mary’s Role from Age to Age

Fr. Frank Donio is online at catholicapostolatecenter.org.

Meg DeBlase is online at cincinnatirighttolife.org.

Kevin Schmiesing is online at fvinstitute.org.

Kris McGregor is online at discerninghearts.com.

Bear Woznick is online at deepadventure.com.

Toufic Baaklini is online at indefenseofchristians.org.

Danielle Bean is online at catholicmom.com.

Info on the upcoming Virtual Catholic Mom’s Summit is available at cardinalstudios.org.

Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

Our mother of sorrows, with strength from above you stood by the cross, sharing in the sufferings of Jesus, and with tender care you bore him in your arms, mourning and weeping.

We praise you for your faith, which accepted the life God planned for you. We praise you for your hope, which trusted that God would do great things in you. We praise you for your love in bearing with Jesus the sorrows of his passion.

Holy Mary, may we follow your example, and stand by all your children who need comfort and love.

Mother of God, stand by us in our trials and care for us in our many needs. Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.