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Show Notes for Thursday, 5/2/2024


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Happy feast of St. Athanasius of Alexandria! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell welcome Mike Aquilina to talk about the dramatic story of one of the most historically important Doctors of the Church. We’ll also talk Bible Foods with Rita Heikenfeld, and get more thoughts on spiritual and emotional health with pastoral counselor Kevin Prendergast. Plus all the latest news, weather, sports, and a whole lot more…


Collect for the Feast of St. Athanasius

Almighty ever-living God, who raised up the Bishop Saint Athanasius as an outstanding champion of your Son’s divinity, mercifully grant, that, rejoicing in his teaching and his protection, we may never cease to grow in knowledge and love of you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.



Fresh Fig Appetizers with Goat Cheese

Easy and delicious for entertaining.

12 fresh figs, cut in half

4 ounces herbed goat cheese (if you can’t find herbed goat cheese, use regular) 24 whole almonds

Honey and Balsamic vinegar

Preheat broiler on high. Put fig halves, cut side up, on sprayed baking sheet. Divide goat cheese among them and push one almond into the cheese on each half. Broil just until cheese is soft, about 2 minutes or so. Let cool a few minutes, and drizzle with a tiny bit of honey and balsamic vinegar. Serve.


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