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Driving Home the Faith
Driving Home the Faith
4:00pm - 6:00pm

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3:00pm - 4:00pm

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Driving Home the Faith
Driving Home the Faith
4:00pm - 6:00pm

Show Notes for Thursday, 11/7/2024


Good morning! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell continue to unpack the results of this week’s elections. Guests include Gary Michuta from Hands On Apologetics, Courtney Brown from Ruah Woods, and Rita Heikenfeld with Bible Foods. Plus news, weather, sports, and a whole lot more…


St. Albert the Great Prayer

We pray to You, O Lord,
who are the supreme Truth,
and all truth is from you.
We beseech You, O Lord,
who are the highest Wisdom,
and all the wise depend on You for their wisdom.
You are the supreme Joy,
and all who are happy owe it to You.
You are the Light of minds,
and all receive their understanding from You.
We love, we love You above all.
We seek You, we follow You,
and we are ready to serve You.
We desire to dwell under Your power
for You are the King of all. Amen.




Mix together:
1 large tub whipped cream cheese, 12 oz. size
Approximately 1/2 of 18 oz. jar apricot preserves (see note)
8 oz. shredded Swiss cheese
1 bag Craisins, about 6-8 oz. or so

Preheat oven to 350. Spread mixture evenly into sprayed shallow casserole. Bake 25-30 minutes. Serve warm with crackers.
Note: use enough preserves to make the mixture wet.



1 (15-inch) piece of baguette, cut into 1/2-inch slices (7 ounces total), toasted
1 (7-pound) orange pumpkin
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1 cup reduced-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
2 1/2 cups coarsely grated Gruyère (6 ounces)
2 1/2 cups coarsely grated Emmental (6 ounces)
1 tablespoon olive oil

Preheat oven to 450°F placing the rack on the lower section.
Cut a circle around the stem on the top of the pumpkin, about 3 inches in diameter. Remove the top then scrape out seeds and any fibers from inside the pumpkin with a spoon. Save seeds if desired. Season the inside of the pumpkin with 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Whisk together cream, broth, nutmeg, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper in a bowl. Add all the cheese together in a separate bowl.

Place a layer of toasted baguette in the bottom of the pumpkin, then cover with a 1 cup cheese and a 1/2 cup cream mixture.
Continue layering bread, cheese, and the cream mixture until pumpkin is filled to about 1/2 inch from the top.
Use all of the cream mixtures – you may have some bread and cheese leftover.

Place the top back on the pumpkin and set it in an oiled roasting pan.
Brush the outside of the pumpkin all over with olive oil.

Bake until pumpkin is tender, and filling is puffed, about 1 hour & 15 minutes or so.


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