Happy feast of St. Joseph Vaz! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell welcome Dr. Matthew Bunson to talk more about this first Sri Lankan-born saint. Guests include Bobby Schindler on end-of-life legislation, Fr. Philip-Michael Tangorra on the new book by Cardinal Sarah with contributions by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and pastoral counselor Kevin Prendergast to discuss motivation and willpower. Plus news, weather, sports and much more…
Bobby Schindler is online at lifeandhope.com.
Dr. Matthew Bunson is online at ncregister.com.
Fr. Philip-Michael Tangorra, author of Holiness and Living the Sacramental Life
Kevin Prendergast is online at athenaeum.edu.
Dr. John Bergsma, author of Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Rita Heikenfeld is online at abouteating.com.
Matt Weber, author of Fearing the Stigmata.
Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, author of Reclaiming Sundays
Lisa Hendey is online at lisahendey.com.