Good morning! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell reflect on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Guests include Brendan Hodge from The Pillar with more thoughts on Classical Education, and Kevin Schmiesing with This Week in Catholic History. Plus news, weather, sports and a whole lot more…
Prayer for the Dead
God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
and by Your command we return to dust.
Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,
their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
relatives and friends,
and for all the dead known to You alone.
In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in Your kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
to sing Your praise forever and ever. Amen.
Fr. Philip Larrey is online at