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EWTN Bookmark
9:30am - 10:00am

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EWTN Bookmark
EWTN Bookmark
9:30am - 10:00am

Show Notes for Monday, 7/6/2020


Good morning! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell welcome Toufic Baaklini from In Defense of Christians to discuss the ongoing genocide of Christians in Nigeria. Other guests include Danielle Bean on her new Manual for Marriage, Bear Woznick on fighting spiritual anarchy, and Kevin Schmiesing with This Week in Catholic History. Plus news, weather, sports and more…

Kevin Schmiesing is online at athenaeum.edu.

Danielle Bean is online at catholicmom.com.

Toufic Baaklini is online at indefenseofchristians.org.

Bear Woznick is online at deepadventure.com.

Joseph Pearce, author of Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know

Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio is online at dritaly.com.

Dr. Daniel Meola is online at lifegivingwounds.org.

Stephanie Mann is online at supremacyandsurvival.blogspot.com.

Laura Potter is online at catholicaoc.org.

Joe Heschmeyer is online at shamelesspopery.com.

Fr. Thomas Weinandy’s upcoming lecture on John Henry Newman will be broadcast through instituteofcatholicculture.org.

St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Prayer Against Anxiety

O Christ Jesus,
when all is darkness
and we feel our weakness and helplessness,
give us the sense of Your presence,
Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust
in Your protecting love
and strengthening power,
so that nothing may frighten or worry us,
for, living close to You,
we shall see Your hand,
Your purpose, Your will through all things.