On Air Now
Called to Communion
Called to Communion
11:00pm - Midnight

On Air Now

Called to Communion
Called to Communion
11:00pm - Midnight

Show Notes for Monday, 11/27/2023


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Good morning! On today’s show, Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell welcome Brendan Hodge from The Pillar to share more stats on vocations by diocese size. Other guests include Dr. Matthew Bunson with more on what’s been happening with the German bishops, and Kevin Schmesing with This Week in Catholic History. Plus all the latest news, weather, sports and a whole lot more…


A Prayer for the Sick

Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen.


Dr. Jeffrey Morrow is online at ascensionpress.com.

Shaun McAfee, author of Compendium of Sacramentals

Full list of guests
