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Called to Communion
11:00pm - Midnight

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Called to Communion
Called to Communion
11:00pm - Midnight

Show Notes for Friday, 10/2/2020


Happy feast of the Guardian Angels! On today’s show, Mike Aquilina talks more about how the Church Fathers and even Our Lord discuss the role of angels in the Christian life. Other guests include Stephanie Mann on the English martyrs Sts. John Roberts and John Almond, Fr. Kaz Chwalek of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception on a Divine Mercy film event, and Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo from the Institute of Catholic Culture to preview the Sunday Mass readings. Plus news, weather, sports and a whole lot more…

Mike Aquilina is online at fathersofthechurch.com.

Stephanie Mann is online at supremacyandsurvival.blogspot.com.

Fr. Kaz Chwalek is online at loveandmercymovie.com.

Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo is online at instituteofcatholicculture.org.

Derek Rotty is online at derekrotty.com.

Ken Craycraft is online at athenaeum.edu.

Bobby Schindler is online at lifeandhope.com.

Fr. Jonathan Duncan’s episode of The Journey Home is at chnetwork.org.

Joseph Pearce is online at jpearce.co.

Donna Marie Cooper-O’Boyle is online at donnacooperoboyle.com.

Catherine Fishlock is online at stgertrude.org.


Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
To whom God’s love
commits me here,
Ever this day,
be at my side,
To light and guard,
Rule and guide. Amen.