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Wednessday, 7/17/19, Driving Home the Faith


In hour one, Franciscan Fr. Michael Cusato will tell the story of when St. Francis met a sultan – 800 years ago this year; Mark Hollcroft of NET Ministries will introduce the day of programming for youth at Presentation Ministries’s annual Bible Institute and the NET approach to evangelization, Jim Slouffman from the Catholic Kolping Society will invite us to one of the oldest festivals in the area – Scheutzenfest.

In hour two, Dominic Duren from SVDP-Cincinnati will introduce a ministry that helps people returning from incarceration turn their lives around, and Matt Hess of the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics will relate the history of the Missionaries and Sisters of the Precious Blood in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

The Monastery of the Holy Land in America is online at myfranciscan.org
The 33rd annual Bible Institute is online at Presentationministries.com
NET Ministries in Cincinnati is online at netusa.org/Cincinnati/
Scheuzenfest is online at Scheutzenfestcincy.com
Kolping Cincinnati is online at KolpingCincinnati.com|
SVDP-Cincinnati is online at svdpcincinnati.org
The Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics is online at MariaSteinShrine.org