Happy Feast of the Guardian Angels! Today Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons begins a series based on his new book on forming habits for a healthy marriage, Bob Wurzelbacher introduces this month’s “Being Pro-Life” video, musician Lee Roessler invites all to an upcoing event he’ll perform at in conjunction with a talk by “Dyanamic Deacon” Harodl Burke-Sivers, and more — plus traffic and weather to get you home safe.
Thomas More University’s BB&T Observatory is online at university.thomasmore.edu
Watch “Being Pro-Life” videsos at CatholicCincinnati.org
More about the Respect Life Fund collection at CatholicCincinnati.org
Lee Roessler is online at leeroesslermusic.com
“The Divine Plan” film is online at thedivineplanmovie.com
The Aneglico Project and the Angelico Catholic Arts Guild are online at angelicoproject.org
Today’s featured book: