Happy Easter! Today, Fr. Robert Spitzer of the Magis Center joins Fr. Rob to talk about his new book about escaping evil’s darkness, Dr. Leonard DeLorenzo explains how prayers and reflections about the Litany of St. Joseph can show us how to be more like him, and more — plus traffic and weather to get you home safe.
Thomas More University’s Institute for Religious Liberty is online at ThomasMore.edu
Sign up for the April 15 IRL event online at KentonLibrary.evanced.info
The Magis Center is online at MagisCenter.com
Watch Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Bartholomew at EStBarts.org
Leonard DeLorenzo is online at LeonardjDeLorenzo.com
Read “Does the Common Good Require Integralism?” online at TheCatholicStand.com
Today’s featured books: