Happy feast of St. Agatha! Today, Dominican Sister Cathereine Stewart will talk about how Mary and the mysteries of the rosary helped her face her cancer diagnosis and treatment, Dominican Father Gabriel Toretti will invite all to a retreat focused on the work of the great painter Fra Angelico, and more — plus traffic and weather to get you home safe.
Catholic Digest is online at catholicdigest.com
Natural Family Planning International is online at nfpandmore.org
John Kippley’s article “McCarrick and Theological Dissent in the Sixties: Observations of a Contemporary” is online at catholicworldreport.com
The Angelico Project and Angelico Catholic Arts Guild are online at angelicoproject.com
Radix is online at battlereadystrong.com
The E6 Men’s conference is online at e6catholicmensconference.com
The Fathers of Mercy are online at fathersofmercy.com
St. Antoninus parish is online at saintantoninus.org
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