In hour one, we’ll speak with Mother Margaret Mary of the Children of Mary Sisters about their new initiative to enthrone Jesus as King of the United States, and Carlo Lancellotti will talk with us about how mid-century Italian Catholic philosopher Augusto del Noce can help us understand Western society today. In hour two, Ryan Lopez and David Kissell will update us on the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Catholic Ministries Appeal, Dr. Arthur Kunath will finish his series on classical education and his ideas about how education in America can be improved, and Producer Gail Finke will update us on upcoming events in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
For more on Children of Mary and the Enthronement of Jesus, click here
For Carl Lancellotti’s article, “How the Summer of Love Became the Final Bourgeois Revoltion,” click here
For more on Catholic Ministries Appeal, click here
For more on St. Edmund Campion Academy, click here