Happy “Giving Tuesday!” Today, attorney Christen Price from the National Counsel on Sexual Exploitation explains the organization’s suit against the state of Nevada, Kate Thesing of Gate of Heaven Cemetery tells us how to contribute to a fund that provides free burial plots for infants; Ryan Lopez tells us how Giving Tuesday is going throughout the Archdicoese of Cincinnati, and more — plus traffic and weather to get you home safe!
The National Counsel on Sexual Exploitation is online at endsexualexploitation.org
The National Catholic Bioethics Center is online at ncbcenter.com
Gate of Heaven Cemetery is online at gateofheaven.org
Find Gate of Heaven’s Giving Tuesday fund address is at givecentral.org
Text ghcemetery to 513-586-1943 to text your Giving Tuesday donation
Find Archdiocese of Cincinnati Giving Tuesday funds (#GIVECatholicAOC) at givecentral.org
See your favorite charity or organization/s website for more opportunities to give!
Adventure Catholic Leadership Training is online at adventurecatholic.com