Happy feast of the Queenship of Mary! Today Fr. Rop talks with bioethicist Dr. Jozef Zalot of the National Catholic Bioethics Center, about how doctors should speak to young patients, Kristen Gallagher of the SVDP-Cincinnati previews tomorrow’s telethon for their kids’ bed program, and much more.
Pregnancy Center Plus is at pcplus.org and supportpcplus.org
The National Catholic Bioethics Center is at ncbcenter.org
Read “Pondering in Silence…” at catholicexchange.com
St. Vincent de Paul-Cincinnati is at svdpcincinnati.org donate to the Hope to Dream program here
Adventure Catholic Leadership Training is at adventurcatholic.com
Get “Failing Forward” at sophiainstitute.com
The Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance is at catholicmenleaders.org
Sign up for the Heroic Men’s Summit at heroicmen.com