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4:00am - 5:00am

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The World Over
The World Over
4:00am - 5:00am

Show Notes for Friday, 10/14/22


Today, author Philip Campbell introduces a new book for youth on St. Pio, National Catholics Bioethics Center bioethicist Dr. Jozef Zalot talks about what California a “trans refuge” law means for teens and parents from all states, and more — plus traffic and weather to get you home safe.

Get Wounds of Love: The Story of Padre Pio at tanbooks.com

The Jesuit Spiritual Center at Milford is at jesuitspiritualcenter.com

Mother of God Church self-guided tours will be from 7-10 PM during the Blink festival Oct. 13-16; for this and other events see sacredheartradio.com/events 

Mother of Got Church is at mother-of-god.org

Blink Cincinnati is at blinkcincinnati.com

Subscribe to “Generation Indoctrination” at christianpost.com/podcast/ or your favorite podcast app or service

The National Catholic Bioethics Center is at ncbcenter.org

Coaches at the New York Jets are at newyorkjets.com

Boys Hope Girls Hope Cincinnati is at bhghcincinnati.org
