Happy Feast of St. Lucy! Today, writer Jeannie Ewing will talk with Fr. Rob about how Advent is the perfect time to reflect on when we resist God–and why; Gloria and Dan Sprague will explain how Retrouvaille can help people in struggling marriages; and more–plus traffic and weather to get you home safe.
Jeannie Ewing is at jeannieewing.com
Find Ken Craycraft online at thecatholictelegraph.com and catholicherald.co.uk
The Jesuit Spiritual Center at Milford is online at jesuitspiritualcenter.com
Retrouvaille is online at helpourmarriage.org
Read “The Covid Mass Effect” at pillarcatholic.com
Watch “St. Joseph, Our Spiritual Father” at kofc.org
Volunteer or donate to tornado disaster relief at svdpdisaster.org