Happy Feast of St. Anthony! Today, Rev. Clendard Childress, Jr., of “blackgenocide.org” talks about his pro-life work, Casey Chalk of “Crisis” magazine makes a call for Catholic to lead the fight against pornography, and more — plus traffic and weather to get you home safe.
Auguste Meyrat’s article “Christianity Isn’t Just Another ‘Lifestyle Choice"” is online at crisismagazine.com
Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress is online at blackgenocicde.org
Catholic Charities, Southwestern Ohio is online at ccswoh.org
Casey Cahlk’s article, “It’s Time ot Ban Porn” is online at crisismagazine.com
Contact information for Deacon Mike Mignery andthe Bulter County March for Life is online at queenofpeace.net