Thu, Jun 6 from 9:30am
to 12:00pm
University of Dayton Roesch Library
300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469
300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469
The Mary Library invites Catholic school teachers, administrators and staff to visit on June 6 for a free half-day workshop in the Roesch Library building. Attendees can earn CEU and Vocare credit while exploring how Mary can be a presence in their teaching in all grade levels and across the curriculum. They will also tour the Mary in Catholic Education exhibit.
Catholic grade school and high school administrators, faculty and staff are invited to a half-day workshop focused on Mary in Catholic education. The day will begin with an introduction to the Marian Library and its resources followed by:
- A reflective prayer experience on the role of Mary in Catholic school classrooms.
- Breakout sessions in grade-level groups (pre-K-6; 7-12) to explore how Mary can be a presence in your teaching throughout each day and across the curriculum.
- Time to visit the Mary in Catholic Education exhibit.
This workshop is free of charge, but registration is required.
Visit go.udayton.edu/mary-in- catholic-ed for more information and to register.
More Information:
Website: https://udayton.edu/marianlibrary/exhibits/mary-in-catholic-education.php
Website: https://udayton.edu/marianlibrary/exhibits/mary-in-catholic-education.php