333 Thomas More Parkway Crestview Hills, KY 41017
Thomas More University’s Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III ’67 Institute for Religious Liberty (IRL) hosts an interfaith event entitled “Who’s My God? Part II.” Since its establishment in 2015, the IRL has played an active role in advancing the American concept of religious freedom as an unalienable right, and the protection of that right for all people. The IRL has accomplished this mission through education and dialogue in the form of academic symposia and lectures featuring distinguished and internationally renowned speakers.
In February, the IRL introduced its first “Who’s My God?” interfaith panel, which took a different approach than previous events by focusing on the personal aspect of faith and the individual relationship with God held by each panelist. “Who’s My God: Part II” continues this conversation and introduces four new expert panelists, each representing one of the Abrahamic religions.
This event is free and open to the public. It will be held in the Ziegler Auditorium, inside Thomas More University’s new Academic Center. For more information about the Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III (’67) Institute for Religious Liberty at Thomas More University, and its past events, please visit: thomasmore.edu/religiousliberty
Website: https://www.thomasmore.edu/about/catholic-identity/institute-for-religious-liberty/