Wed, Jul 3 from 7:30am
to 5:00pm
St. Francis de Sales, Lebanon
20 Desales Ave., Lebanon, Ohio 45036
20 Desales Ave., Lebanon, Ohio 45036
On July 3, morning Mass will begin at 7:30 a.m. at St. Francis de Sales Church. A continental breakfast will follow Mass. After breakfast, a Eucharistic procession will travel through downtown Lebanon from St. Francis de Sales Church to Bicentennial Park, where the procession will depart for the Monkey Bar & Grille / Hamilton County Park Trail Head
Departure time from Bicentennial Park: 9:30 a.m.
Distance: 11.6 miles
Estimated Time Start-to-Finish: 7.5 hours
Approximate Arrival at Nisbet Park: 5:00 p.m.
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