Wed, Feb 5 from 7:00pm
to 8:30pm
St. John the Baptist Church
753 S. Hyatt St., Tipp City, Ohio 45371
753 S. Hyatt St., Tipp City, Ohio 45371
The Stewardship Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati invites all to a night of prayer for the ministries supported by Catholic Ministries Appeal, the staff and volunteers who make those ministries a success, and unity throughout the Archdiocese in support of the Corporal Works of Mercy
Six nights will be held in February; each will include Adoration with reflections and prayer; exposition and benediction, and a reception following the prayer time.
Feb. 3: Our Lady of Lourdes, Fr. Matthew Robben
Feb. 5: St. John the Baptist, Fr. Kyle Schnippel
Feb. 11: Guardian Angels, Fr. Aaron Hess
Feb. 13: St. Mary of the Assumption, FR. Timothy Fahey
Feb. 20: St. Maximilian Kolbe, Fr. Michael Willig
Feb. 27: Holy Redeemer, Fr Michael Willig
More Information:
Website: https://catholicaoc.org/cma/prayernight
Website: https://catholicaoc.org/cma/prayernight