Fri, Oct 18 from 6:00pm
to 9:00pm
1379 Donaldson Hwy., Erlanger, KY 41018
1379 Donaldson Hwy., Erlanger, KY 41018
This is the 13th Annual Seminary Ball of the “modern era.” However, the history of the “Seminary Ball” actually goes back to October of 1951, with the foundation of a Diocesan Council of the National Council of Catholic Women, and the first Seminary Guild Ball in 1922 The last Seminary Guild Ball, which was in its 28th year, was held at Summit Hills Country Club on January 30, 1982.
In 2010, His Excellency Roger J. Foys, Tenth Bishop of the Diocese of Covington, reinstituted the Seminary Ball in support of our seminarians and their education and formation. In 2023, Bishop John Iffert welcomed a record crowd of 650 attendees.
- Cocktail Hour with Light Hors D’oeuvres
- Complimentary Open Bar: 6-11 pm
- Wine, Beer, Mixed Drinks, Soft Drinks and Water
- Cocktail Hour ballroom & bars will re-open for socializing after the program
- New video highlighting the Propaedeutic Year, filmed at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH
- The program will feature live Seminarian interviews with Bishop John Iffert
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